Dear Digswell Lake Society Member
You are warmly invited to the Digswell Lake Society's EGM & Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 13th September at Digswell Village Hall, 30 Harmer Green Lane, Digswell at 7.30 pm.
Minutes of AGM of 1st Sept 2023
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the AGM held on 1st September 2023.*
3. Matters arising from those minutes.
4. To receive the formal Directors' Report and Accounts for the year ended 30th September 2023.*
5. Chairman's Report.
6. Membership Secretary’s Report.
7. Treasurer's Report.
8. Election of up to seven Directors.** The Council recommends Deborah Anne Smith & Jason Payne (who retire in rotation and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election) for election as Directors.
9. Appointment of Reporting Accountant.
10. Questions, suggestions and any other business.
* These and other papers for the AGM will be available on the Society’s website (www.digswelllake.org.uk). or see links below
** To stand for election as a Director, simply send a letter signed by the candidate and proposer to the Company Secretary, at the registered office 17 Westcott, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 2PP to arrive by 12th September 2024. Candidate and proposer must both be current members of the Society. There will be five vacancies even if both the candidates at Item 8 above, are elected.
Please feel free to contact me at memsec.dls@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Simon Stebbings
Membership Secretary
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