The founding members considered that Digswell Lake was worth preserving not only as a permanent place of natural beauty and tranquillity but also as a nature reserve providing a habitat for some relatively rare wildlife.
On joining the Society, members receive a key which gives them access to the area at any time; they then have the opportunity to enjoy the peace and tranquillity of a lake and river in delightful surroundings and to study a great diversity of plants and creatures.
The path around the Lake gives parkland, woodland, riverside and lakeside views which change with the seasons and are of special interest to artists, photographers and nature lovers alike.
What the Society does
The Digswell Lake Society owns and maintains the Lake and its surrounds: it arranges working parties of members and friends to carry out the tasks necessary to afford safe access to the paths and to maintain the natural beauty of the area.
Offers to assist in the maintenance of the area will be welcomed. Contact James via info@digswell-lake.org.uk Tel: 0845-003-5253 or go to Working Party Dates for more information.
The Digswell Lake Society publishes a Newsletter twice a year to keep members informed about the Lake and the work of the Committee. Contact Bob via bob.leys@ntlworld.com
It also holds meetings on various aspects of wildlife and arranges visits to the Lake and other similar locations. It encourages children from local schools and community groups to carry out field studies in the area. Details of our next planned talk can be found here.
The Society needs YOUR support in preserving this valuable amenity. An application form for membership is available. Contact James via info@digswell-lake.org.uk Gift Aid will allow additional sums to be collected by the society, for further details please contact the Membership Secretary.
Donations to the Society will of course be gratefully received.
If you wish to donate any overpaid tax direct from the Inland Revenue then you should quote the following reference, DIGSWELL LAKE SOCIETY VAJ14RG on your tax return form.